Staff Picks

Dr. Cowan's Garden Carrot Powder Refill Pouch

4.2 oz refill (approx. 50 servings)


Packed with nutritious beta carotene and fiber, carrots are well known as food for the skin, hair and eyes.

The popularity of carrots soared with the carrot-juice craze inaugurated by the famous natural-cancer doctor Max Gerson. Gerson’s theory was that carrot juice helped prevent cancer because of its high potassium content.   Although this idea might be part of the story, we now know that carrots are the unique source of a natural pesticide called falcarinol made by the carrot’s root hairs and stored in the carrot itself. Falcarinol has significant cancer prevention and treatment effects as demonstrated in a recent article in the journal Chemical Communications.*


 Our Carrot Powder is made from locally sourced, organically grown orange carrots, which we gently steam and dehydrate at low heat.   Carrot Powder gives a subtle, sweet taste to any dish and can be enjoyed in stir-fries, deserts or soups.


Our favorite way to use it is as a thickener for chili and other stews.


 *Chem Commun (Camb) 2015 Nov 11; 51 (87) 15784-7


Inside this jar are approximately 50 servings! One teaspoon equals an average adult-size serving of the fresh vegetable. and one large carrot equals approximately one tablespoon of powder.


Ingredients: Organic carrots. Nothing else.


Daybreak Seaweed Yuzu 7-Spice Blend | Shichimi Togarashi

1.9 oz (59 g)


Daybreak is a locally based business formed by a two-woman team that creates nutrient-packed, umami-rich seaweed products that are good for you and good for the ocean. Daybreak partners with regenerative ocean farmers to bring the highest quality, sustainably grown seaweed from the pristine waters of the Pacific Ocean to your kitchen. The seaweed flakes are easy to use, packed with salty and savory goodness, nourishing vitamins and minerals. Add an umami-filled depth of flavor to any dish. These seaweed flakes bring a nutritional punch - they're packed with fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Get a little extra dose of iodine, B-12, calcium, and magnesium, without all the sodium chloride of table salt. Seaweed's saltiness comes from other mineral salts, like Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride.

This blend is a California take on the complex, spicy seasoning the chefs grew up using in Japan. Your favorite dish will shine from the bright heat of chiles, a bloom of orange peel, citrusy yuzu, and roasted sesame melded with sustainably grown Organic West Coast Wakame seaweed from regenerative ocean farms in Alaska. Let the blend of rich flavors make your next meal shine.

** This product is a Good Food Award Winner!**

HOW TO USE: Sprinkle on grilled & steamed veggies, soup, noodles & cucumber salads for a complex heat.


INGREDIENTS: Made from Red Chiles, Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds, Yuzu, Orange, and Organic Wakame Seaweed grown by regenerative ocean farmers in Alaska. 

TASTING NOTES: Orange Blossoms * Bright Heat * Roasted Sesame

Five-Week Real Food Cleanse 4/19/25 - 5/17/25, 10-11:30am

5 weeks, 1 class per week (1.5 hours)


Are you confused by all the conflicting dietary information out there ?Do you just not know what to eat? Or do you know but struggle to stick with “healthy” choices?

Are you at the mercy of sugar cravings?

Have you put on weight during Covid that you want to lose?

Do you experience digestive issues like acid reflux, bloating or constipation?

Are you pre-diabetic or have high cholesterol?

Do you sacrifice self care in your priorities in order to “manage” your life?

If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, you are not alone! 

These are the reasons people like you have signed up for the TSH Five Week Real Food Cleanse and have found it life-changing. 

If you’re looking for a safe and sane program designed to get you off the blood sugar roller coaster, decrease cravings for sugar and starchy carbs and eliminate foods that are irritating your digestion, then this program is for you!

Join us in this fun, empowering and inspiring group. You will be amazed at how good you can feel in such a short period of time, when you remove sugar and processed foods from your diet, and replace them with nutrient dense and delicious real food.

The group provides a supportive community and accountability to help you stick with it. You also have Joey’s guidance as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner so you can avoid many of the common pitfalls people experience while on a cleanse. You will come through this feeling rejuvenated, energized and inspired to continue on with a sustainable plan for healthy eating.

This is not a fast or a juice cleanse — there is no calorie counting, starvation or prepackaged foods. It's not a colon cleanse or gallbladder flush that'll keep you tethered to the toilet! The best way to think about it is as a Real Food Reset. 

The class includes a cleanse guide with everything you need to know to be successful on the program -- instructions on how to customize your cleanse, food list, food journal form, example meal plan and 23 page packet with simple, delicious and cleanse approved recipes.

This class meets via Zoom, Saturdays from 10-11:30am starting Saturday, April 19. Login details sent upon registration.  Each class includes a check-in with support, a lesson, and a call to action. 

Week 1, April 19:  How to prepare mentally, physically and emotionally to make successful changes to your diet.
Week 2, April 26:  Digestion… How it works.
Week 3, May 3:  Balanced Blood Sugar… how sweet it is.
Week 4, May10: Detoxification… we live in a toxic world... Let's help our body keep up.
Week 5, May 17:  Celebrating our Success and Next Steps… how to reintroduce foods and next steps for continued success.

Please Note:

  • The diet is anti-inflammatory and eliminates refined sugar, processed foods and dairy, and limits starchy carbohydrates for the duration of the Cleanse. We focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, good quality animal protein, nuts, seeds and healthy fats timed at appropriate intervals for optimized blood sugar stabilization. 

  • The first week is all about getting prepared for the cleanse and transitioning into it. No need to know or do anything prior to our first meeting.

  • While Three Stone Hearth does consider the needs of Cleanse participants in planning their weekly menus, and we will discuss what TSH foods can support you, the class fee does not include food items. They can be purchased separately by ordering online or shopping in the Brick & Mortar store. Three Stone Hearth does offer participants a 10% discount on their weekly menu items and bone broths for the duration of the Cleanse. The discount only applies to online orders, not to purchases in the Brick & Mortar store.

Joey Anderson is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, GAPS Practitioner and Restorative Wellness Practitioner. She specializes in functional nutrition and in using food as medicine. She combines real food (delicious and tailored to you), functional lab tests and attention to lifestyle, to help families and individuals feel good and thrive. She loves her work!


Three Stone Hearth Education Cancellation Policy:

If you pre-register for a class and are unable to attend, please send an email to letting us know. You may cancel and request a full refund up until 24 hours before the class. (If a class is offered as a series, cancellation must be done 24 hours prior to the start of the first class in the series.) We will issue a credit to your TSH account for the full class price. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, we will not issue a credit to your account, however you may apply the class fee towards a future class to be used within 6 months. After 6 months, that credit will be void. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to send someone else in your place. We ask that you make prior arrangements with the teacher should another person be attending in your place. If you contact us after the class, no refunds or credits will be issued.
