Online Product Ordering is Closed from Saturday 8:00 am until Sunday afternoon. Our "Give-A Gift" Shop category is always available.
Wednesday 4 - 7pm
Thursday and Friday 12:30 - 5:30pm
Saturday 10 - 4pm
We're located at 1581 University Avenue, Berkeley
There's free parking in our lot and metered parking on the street in front of our store
Masks are NOW OPTIONAL for everyone in our store
Forgot to order online? Have questions about our products?
We're always glad to see customers come in and experience the village feel of our Kitchen!
Our business model was originally built around customers ordering online and then coming in to pick up their food. In the "old days," when folks came in to pick up their orders, we'd have a couple of coolers out to sell any extra product we made.
Over the years, as the business grew, our "cooler selection" evolved into a full retail store, with many of our housemade products, pantry items, books, milk, eggs, bacon, and more. Don't be surprised by guest appearances and free samples from one of our outside producers, such as Kaleidoscope Foods, Coracao Confections, Luminance Skincare or Golden Gate Neighborhood honey, along with our own sample table of housemade foods and products.
While online ordering works through a customer's account, in the store we have a point-of-sale (POS) system, and we accept cash, checks and credit cards. (You can also apply glass deposit credits from that day's return or from your online account to in-store purchases.)
Saturday is the last available day to pick up pre-orders from the weekly online menu. See our menu pick-up options when you place your order.
THE NUTRITIONIST IS IN! -- FREE Nutritional Info Session and Q&A (no registration needed)
1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, 12:30 - 1:30pm in our Brick & Mortar Store
Join us at our kitchen once a month for a free Q&A with holistic, functional Nutritional Therapist Joey Anderson. Joey will present a brief informational talk on a nutritional topic. Bring your questions and concerns about nutrition, food, health and lifestyle choices.
Saturday, March 4 12:30 - 1:30pm
Saturday, April 12th 12:30 - 1:30pm