
If you've been using the Strong Child syrup, don't worry, this is the same formula with one more herb (ginger!) and a bit more reishi. Wellness Syrup is a slightly updated formula that is potent enough for adults and safe for children. (Frieda, the syrup maker, thought about calling it "instead-of-insurance syrup", but it wouldn't fit on the label. ) This medicine is formulated for deep immune support and nutrient absorption. It's meant to be taken during seasonal shifts, at the onset of illness, and for people with compromised immune systems (sleep-deprived, very stressed, elderly, coming off antibiotics). It's alcohol free (honey-based), safe for children, and uber local with Sonoma County honey, elderberry and jujube. It also makes an excellent 'sick drink' combined with apple cider vinegar, hot water, and crushed garlic.

Ingredients: rosehip (Rosa spp.), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), milky oat tops (Avena sativa), jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba), reishi (Ganaderma lucidum), nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), orange peel, spirulina, ginger, nutritional yeast, cherry concentrate, honey, molasses, a touch o’ vinegar (as a preservative).

All herbs are certified organic or mindfully harvested.

Dosage: 2-4 years: ½-1 teaspoons daily, 4-6 years: 1-2 teaspoons daily, 6-12 years: 1 tablespoon daily. Remember, this is a safe, gentle formula, and the dosage is simply a suggestion. Feel free to experiment with how you offer this medicine as part of a meal.

Keep Refrigerated.

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