
Swedish Bitters can play a vital role in our modern lifestyle. In cultures that were closely connected to nature, the bitter taste was very prevalent in the daily diet. It has almost disappeared from the average “civilized” diet leaving people open to a host of imbalances. It is the bitter element that activates, tones and strengthens the liver, gall bladder and all digestive organs making it possible for our metabolism to reestablish its equilibrium. Experience has shown that the Swedish Bitters elixir has a remarkably wide range of applications. Digestive complaints, general detoxifying, insomnia, allergies, cold and flu symptoms are some of the most common uses.

Conditions where the internal use of Swedish Bitters is contraindicated: diarrhea, cases of intestinal obstruction, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and constitutional homeopathic remedies.

Ingredients: Angelica root, Rhubarb root, Aloe, Manna ash, Senna leaf, Zedoary root, Theriac venezian, Carline thistle, Myrrh, and Saffron tinctured in 40% grain alcohol. Directions: To begin, take 1/2 tsp. in warm water 15 minutes before breakfast and last thing at night. Increase dosage to 1 tsp. morning and evening if you have issues with digestion, liver, or heart. May also be taken separately for indigestion, flatulence, heart burn, acid reflux, and other digestive issues as needed.

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$65.00 +tax
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