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Frozen Foods

Frozen -- Chocolate Olive Oil Cake -- 10 oz by weight in a small tin (5 in x 4 in)

10 oz by weight in a small tin (5" x 4")

Incredibly light with a slight crisp of a crust on top, this luscious gluten-free treat is not to be missed. It features a combination of flours — almond, coconut, rice and potato. We blend this with pastured eggs, local Seka Hills olive oil and sour cream.

Ingredients: coconut flour,* rice flour,* potato flour,* sour cream,* pastured eggs,* coconut palm sugar,* almond flour,* olive oil,* cocoa powder,* Dandy Blend (soluble extracts of roasted barley, rye, chicory root, dandelion root and beet root), arrowroot, vanilla extract, baking soda, baking powder, Celtic sea salt  (* = organic)

Recipe is vegetarian and gluten-free.**

**Dandy Blend is made of the water-soluble extracts of five ingredients; three roots and two grains (barley and rye), not from the ingredients themselves. The ingredients are roasted, covered with hot water, and allowed to steep. The water, with the soluble portions of all the components, is separated from the grounds. The remaining fine brown powder left is what becomes Dandy Blend. All the gluten and other water-insoluble substances are left behind.

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